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Canada Ontario

8 Amazing Waterfalls in Southern Ontario

Southern Ontario is home to some amazing waterfalls, especially in Hamilton. Did you know that Hamilton is home to more than 100 waterfalls?! Here is a list of 8 great waterfalls to visit in southern Ontario. Enjoy!

Webster Falls – Hamilton

Webster Falls is an amazing waterfall in the Spencer Gorge Conservation Area. There are great hiking trails and perfect picnic spots around the waterfall to enjoy.

webster falls
waterfalls in southern ontario
waterfalls in southern ontario
waterfalls in southern ontario

Tew Falls – Hamilton

Just a short walk from Webster Falls is Tew Falls, also located in the Spencer Gorge Conservation Area. 

tew falls
waterfalls in southern ontario

Albion Falls – Hamilton

Albion Falls is one of the most picturesque and most popular waterfalls in Hamilton. It is located in the Red Hill Valley area.

Note: Getting down to the base of the waterfall is very difficult and it is now prohibited. Police often survey the area. However, there are two viewing platforms to view the waterfall from above.

waterfalls in southern ontario
albion falls

Tiffany Falls – Hamilton

Located in Ancaster, Tiffany Falls is one of my favourite waterfalls to visit because you can walk up close to the waterfall (at your own discretion). Tiffany Falls is particularly beautiful when it’s frozen in the winter!

tiffany falls
waterfalls in southern ontario
waterfalls in southern ontario

Smokey Hollow Waterfall – Hamilton

Smokey Hollow Waterfall is in Ancaster and there is a great hiking trail to explore.

smokey hollow waterfall

Hilton Falls – Milton

Hilton Falls is located in the Hilton Falls Conservation Area in Milton. There are several great hiking trails around the falls and also a beautiful reservoir. 

hilton falls

Sherman Falls – Hamilton

Located in Ancaster and very close to Tiffany Falls, Sherman Falls is a beautiful waterfall situated on part of the Bruce Trail.

sherman falls
waterfalls in southern ontario

Borer’s Falls – Hamilton

You’ll have to peak through trees to see this impressive waterfall in Dundas! There are also hiking trails in the Borer’s Falls Conservation Area.

waterfalls in southern ontario

I hope you enjoyed this list of waterfalls to visit in southern Ontario!

To read my blog post, “10 Great Hiking Spots in Southern Ontario,” click here.

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