Who says seasonal activities are for children? I absolutely love fall and I make sure to partake in these activities every year. Okay, maybe I am a kid at heart.
Feeling sad that summer has ended? Throw on your plaid scarf and fully immerse yourself in the autumn spirit with these activities! I feel warm and fuzzy inside just writing this post.
Apple Picking
Apple picking is probably my favourite thing to do in the fall. Luckily, we have some great apple orchards in Halton and Hamilton. I usually spend hours picking and walking around with my friends.
My favourite pick-your-own apple orchards are Chudleigh’s and The Apple Orchard Inc.
Fall Baking
What comes after apple picking? Fall baking of course! There is nothing better than incorporating your freshly picked apples into a yummy treat. After apple picking, I’ll usually make somewhat healthy apple muffins to have for breakfast that week. If I have apples around Thanksgiving, I’ll make my family an apple crisp or pie. Making a sweet dip to go with my fresh apples is another ritual of mine.
I also love pumpkin-flavored baked goods. Grab yourself a couple cans of pumpkin puree and whip up some cookies or bars. Better yet? Combine the pumpkin puree with your freshly picked apples…best combo EVER.
Fall Hikes
I get wildly excited when I see the leaves starting to change color. As soon as this magical event begins, I’m off on a hike in Halton or Hamilton to admire the red, copper, and gold leaves.
To read my blog post, “My Favourite Places to See Fall Foliage in Southern Ontario,” click here.
I’m just as passionate about animals as I am about fall. Visiting public farms is really an all year round activity for me, but farms definitely have a certain charm in the fall. If I can visit some animals and pick up baked goods and/or apple cider all at one location, I am a very happy girl.
To read my blog post, “10 Charming Farms in Southern Ontario,” click here.
Pumpkin Patch
Along with apple picking, visiting a pumpkin patch is another quintessential fall activity. I am a big fan of Halloween so I love venturing up to a pumpkin patch to pick out the perfect pumpkin. It’s also a great chance to pick up some gourds or smaller pumpkins for fall decor.
There are a decent number of pumpkin patches in north Halton that are always decorated so cute and festive! My favourite is Hutchinson Farm.
Speaking of pumpkins, another great thing about fall is Halloween. Carving a pumpkin and baking the seeds is a always a fun fall activity.
I’m usually watching Halloween/scary movies the entire month of October. Personally, there’s nothing better than curling up on the couch with apple cider, pumpkin-apple baked goods, and a scary movie.
I also love ghost walks and haunted houses! A great haunted house in Toronto is Martino Manor.
I hope this post gave you some ideas for fall activities this year!